Thursday, September 25, 2008

Something Fun

Still new to this whole bloggosphere, and with a small reader base, I'm just going to put this out there. Ok, I'm not sure how Meme's work. Is there an ultimate source page for them, where do they ultimately come from? I'm guessing imaginations not unlike mine. Are there topic rules/guidelines? I dont know. I love all things meme, I want to start one. Maybe its not called meme if you start it. I should goggle this. Maybe wikipedia. Definately setting up the "I am uninformed" flag, should the more knowledgeable descend. Having said this, and recently discovered how to insert pictures I present my idea for you to copy and fill in the blanks.

Top Criteria for Ideal Mate: In Picture Form

Not gender or otherwise specific, and not limited in number of choices.
Everyone has criteria, not anything set in stone and sometimes you get suprised by someone who fits in a way you never thought about. I have a friend who always goes for the white trash, Kid Rock, Eminem, guys from tattoo shows, that's her.
Diva, you (and others like you) may just post a random sampling of pictures of your hubby, but you must be specific as to how he fits your ideal.

If this finds you too broken hearted to think about present and futures or simply brings up the past, then set you as your ideal mate, and conjure all the things you like best about you. Or do both.
I am shallow and am pulling from Hollywood images. I leave it open to your own interpretation, just please tag it back to me so I can join your fun. Yes, its terribly immature, but its for fun. That's it, that's the whole thing.
Oh, wait, yes, here's mine.

In ever changing order of importance, I look for,

SMART; Well read, articulate, aware of the world around him.

MUSICAL; Music is a huge part of my life and its so attractive when he shares that.

FUNNY; A quick wit that makes me laugh.

POLISHED; Well groomed, with a sense of etiquette.

MACHO, MACHO MAN; There's something to be said for masculine.

AMBITIOUS; If not successful, atleast want it.
I'll find a pic to go with this, that is not Donald Trump, as he is currently in my head. Not a politician either. Too slick.
This took much longer than I thought. Not the simple game I thought it would be. Play if you want, but be warned.


i am the diva said...

oh boy....

FourLeafClover said...

Heh... I can't play this game. All my answers for the ideal mate would be; "Doesn't cheat on you. Doesn't cheat on you. Doesn't cheat on you... etc."

I liked the pictures you included for this post tho'.

AuntyTeeni said...

I found you through the Diva. She has some cool friends (I'm including me in that group so I know it to be true) so I listen when she tells me about new blogs and bloggers. :) I enjoyed reading this new meme you created and especially viewing your photo choices. LOL. I won't take you up on it but only because right now I'm behind and owe two memes to other people right now. Anyway, hello and welcome to the blogosphere. I will see you around! :)

Reddy said...

Yay all my "hard" work is appreciated!