Sunday, September 7, 2008


I am waiting. I am working with my Dad on constructiony-type projects that I have no training in. This means to accomplish anything I have to go at his pace. Lose an hour at the hardware store, following the 1/2 hour spent looking for tools in the garage (a process I am hoping to amend soon) to begin a project that will probably have atleast 3 more said interruptions. I do not mind working at his pace, it means I get to just hang out with my Dad basically. It is hard in that the figure I once saw strong as Superman, now asks me to open jars for him. Where once we used to race, now I see him slowly shuffle, holding on as he goes, tryng to avoid a fall. They call it Inclusion-Body Myositis, or that's what they've diagnosed this time. All I know is I am watching my strongman hero slowly lose his strength. I am not going to take away the little independence he can still have. I'm thankfull he accepts help, even if sometimes it has to be forced on him. I am most grateful that he never gives up. So we plod along, and occasionally even accomplish something. I need to take this time to not just work, but to take some time to work with my Dad.

1 comment:

i am the diva said...

this was a beautiful post