Sunday, September 14, 2008

Same old places, new again

Spent this weekend having conversations with people who for various reasons have fallen back into my life. It was really nice, and I dont think that it would be this good if I hadn't changed in the interim. I am able now to put my trust in them, where as I wouldn't have before. I am enjoying having faith in people, and friendship. I spent part of the day catching up with a friend I grew apart from for reasons neither of us could recall. I confided as I would have in our youth, and I never felt like I might be burdening her with my problems, but that I was letting her back into my life and the admissions renewed a closeness in our friendship. I spent the evening chatting with my oldest friend, the friend I've had the most drama with, and yet could genuinely enjoy catching up and having her be in my life and being part of hers. I love having friends I can pick back up with like I saw them yesterday, whether it was yesterday, or a longer time. I love being friends with people who know where I'm from, whether its the actual place, or a value set like my friends from church. I am confident enough in myself to know that I will never stand for the bullshit I've put up with in the past. Finding childhood friends as an adult means finding the adult in my childhood friend. That knowledge allows me to truly enjoy these friends.


FourLeafClover said...

Old friends are just crawling out of the woodwork these days!

Reddy said...

Its nice to remember parts of yourself in them. Also, they appear more often when I call them.

i am the diva said...

this post makes me miss you.