Saturday, October 18, 2008

Nothing to write home about

Feeling generally mopey and detached these days. Part just the glum of winter, part my life in stasis. I can't seem to catch up with friends I used to talk to often, and am feeling left out. I dont want things to change. Not between me and them. Job, events, locations, sure, but not friendship. I want to call them, but then I feel like I'm leaning too hard. Even a strong friendship can support only so much. I want to call with good news, something new, but those stories are few and far between. I want to keep current with my friends because falling behind feels like falling out of their lives.
Interesting moment yesterday when I got cheered up by random conversation with aquaintance. This is how starved I've become for contact.
Really, I should stop looking back so I can see what is ahead. Or here.
But I miss it all so much.

1 comment:

FourLeafClover said...

I agree with everything here.