Sunday, November 2, 2008

November Already?

October seems to have flown by. This leads me to panic about the upcoming move in an I-can't-possibly-be ready-in-time way. Just making excuses to talk myself out of trying. I'm not doing that this time.
My self confidence seems to have taken a beating as of late. No one thing in particular, but I need to stop this slide in its tracks. I love the self help theory that you should fake confidence till you feel it. Also works for happiness, although it can be taken too far. Its like using visualizations (another brilliant device) to fool your mind out of a slump and get you where you want to be.
I once had a boss who asked "Tell me how you are, and make it something good" which I think is a nice way of helping find a positive mindset. A little bitch session never hurt anyone, but then its refreshing to try optimism.
I simply cannot focus on my unhappiness here. Its overwhelming. So I'm going to use my humour if I cannot find the good. Atleast I find me amusing, and that should be entertainment enough for now.


i am the diva said...

Happy November.... time is flying like ca-ray-zee!!

also, i find you hella amusing!!

i am the diva said...

also also, i gave you a prize on my blog!!

Reddy said...

Wha??? Yay!