Saturday, March 4, 2017

More in 30

Maybe its March Madness,  the stircrazy of Spring that means coming out of hibernation, but I feel like a change. They say less is more. For a while now I've been thinking about deleting fb. I've been inspired by things I've read recently, in particular singledadlaughing's #365daystolive challenge and an article about how social media actually makes us lonely. I find it is a crutch, that I use in place of actually connecting. Now, I love it, and I can easily follow the adventures of my family, and far away friends, but I am losing too much time to the worm hole of politics and animal videos. March is my running anniversary, but I'm still stuck in this boot from the break in November. FB is a giant timesuck for boredom. But boring people get bored. So, I'm going to challenge myself to do more, be more creative. I'm going to read more books, write more, take photographs, play guitar, practice a language, and make plans with actual people. I will slip up, I'm sure, but I'm going to try.
Saying 365 days is daunting, so I'm going to set 30 as my goal, 30 days, spending 30 minute blocks on other things. I want to have more authentic moments, not likes, and use my imagination more. So I'm posting here to reopen this as my place to post as I attempt to do more creatively.

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