Earlier this week I convinced myself to go see a doctor, because I've been fighting to stay awake during the day, (yet I have no trouble being wide awake at night) and my nails have become brittle, and insult above all others, my hair is falling out. My big mane is shedding way more than usual.
So the doc agrees with me, that this needs examining, and testing.
Wait, what?
This is not just a lack of sleep, or vitamins? Among the options were, yes, lack of sleep, low iron, low b12, a thyroid issue, possible liver or kidney problems, or... a heart issue.
A what now?
So, I go get all the tests, and convince myself that I'm very ill.
I see another doc for the results, the fun of not having a gp, and he confirms that there is nothing wrong with me, and the issue is most likely stress.
This has all got me thinking though.
Doing whatever I want is not the same as taking care of myself.
If I want to avoid the imagined problems, I better make some real changes.