Sunday, November 9, 2008

Tooth Fairy

OK, I dont have kids, and I steer away from the Mom talk, but my bestest friend told me a story about her little boy (my nephew for all intensive purposes) that I'm going to share because I think it is so entertaining. I may be biased.
So my bestest friend forgot to put anything under her 6 year olds pillow for the tooth fairy. So that night she had to correct the situation. She wrote a very nice apology, and put the note and $2 in an envelope. Wanting to add glitter, but not having any on hand she added some sparkly eye shadow powder. The next morning her little guy wakes up, opens the envelope and in a voice filled with amazement says "Fairy Dust!" After having watched Peter Pan numerous times, and the newly released Tinkerbell movie, he was convinced she had left him fairy dust. He scooped it onto his head and ran down the hallway crying "I can fly, I can fly!"
Ah, the sweet image from her story makes me laugh out loud, and then smile at his innocence.