I was chatting with my bestest friend and she made the comment that I seem to tie too much importance on where I am. Because she is my bestest friend, I gave this some thought. I have concluded that perhaps she is right. That if I set my mind to it, I could be happy where ever I am. Following that, I can make excuses to be unhappy anywhere. There's a frightening thought. I once heard Oprah say that she used to use her weight as an excuse, like "I'm too fat to..." and not try because of the assumed future failure. Really, you can insert any number of excuses into that sentence. "I'm too ... to ..." so dont even try.
I worry about being too uneducated, too untalented, too broke ass to make a go of anything.
This, ofcourse leads me to a movie quote. There's a scene in Heart and Souls (Robert Downey, Jr. - brilliant) where Charles Grodin's character is chickening out of literally his last moment to shine and Robert Downey Jr. turns to him and says (paraphrasing) "The reason you have failed is because you never tried." That could be me! Ah!
I talk a big game but after eating chocolate while playing on facebook I realized, success and I do not seem to be on the same page.
But all is not lost. Save the unforseen illness or bus accident, I can look forward to tomorrow as a new day to try again.
I will still be planning things to do in my soon to be found perfect future. But that doesnt mean I cant have part of perfect right now. I still have (perfect) me (heehee) either way.
oh man, i love that movie....
the first time i saw that scene it made me wanna get up and start singing my heart out.
thanks for bringing it back to my memory!
You are welcome!
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