Thursday, January 31, 2008

4 AM

All my best thinking is done in the wee hours of morning. For a while I hadn't been in the right head space to blog, but I'm back to random ramblings again. Yay for me, and you!
I think everyone is the lead in the movie of their life. I don't mean in a selfish it's-all-about-me kinda way. Just that the decisions a person make, the path anyone follows, are the result of choices as the director. The lead character in your film is cast. Where the film goes, what genre it fills and the rest of the cast are all up for grabs. Some people you meet will be supporting players, regardless of how you want to cast them. If I have the luxury of growing old I want to look back on great moments and know that I was brave enough risk. Rewards or consequences, I want to seek opportunities interesting enough to be worth involvement.

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